Six Rivers Regional Trail System
Client—City of Castle Rock, Washington
The Six Rivers Regional Trail System (SRRTS) is the result of a county-wide effort to plan, develop and maintain a 41-mile recreational trail system. The effort is being led by Pathways 2020, a non-profit organization focused on improving quality of life and health in Cowlitz County. Gibbs & Olson was hired to prepare an Alternatives Analysis and Comprehensive Cost Evaluation. The planning level document outlines the concept of developing and maintaining a 41-mile non-motorized, multiuse recreational trail. When fully constructed, the trail will span the full length of Cowlitz County from north to south, generally following the Interstate 5 (I-5) corridor. As part of the SRRTS planning document, planning level opinions of costs were prepared that will be used to obtain funding and construct future project segments. Gibbs & Olson provided design and construction phase services for the first project identified for construction. Located on SR 411 in Castle Rock, the Phase 1 improvements included narrowing the travel and center turn lanes over an I-5 overpass and increasing the shoulder width across the overpass to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Lane markings were installed to delineate the widened shoulder from the vehicular driving lanes. Other improvements included reconfiguring the crosswalks at the intersection of SR 411 and the I-5 south bound onramp/offramp.