Old Pacific Highway Pavement Repairs
Client—City of Kelso, Washington
Gibbs & Olson provided design and bidding phase engineering services to repair 190 feet of roadway on Old Pacific Highway. Work included specifying removal of the existing asphalt and aggregate subbase, over-excavation of native subsurface soils to a depth between 2 to 4 feet, installation of multiple types geotextile fabrics, aggregate back fill, hot mixed asphalt surfacing and guardrail reinstallation. Several different types of geotextile were used to address multiple design factors. To address the issue of road settlement, multiple layers of geogrid were installed in between aggregate lifts, and wrapped around the edge of the section to provide additional support. Due to the issue of roadway degradation from uphill drainage, TenCate Mirafi H2Ri, a unique water wicking drainage geotextile fabric, was added to the bottom layer of aggregate backfill to limit moisture from collecting under the road. A soil stabilization geotextile was added to the slope face to provide side slope stability.