Olympia Way Pump Station
Client—City of Longview, Washington
An existing pump station was replaced with a new pump station facility which provides increased capacity for future population and flow projections. Construction of the new facility included improved access and new equipment. A 12-foot inside diameter below grade wetwell, valve vault and flow metering station were installed. The lift station building houses electrical and control equipment, a standby electrical power generator and an odor control system. This station has three submersible sewage pumps to convey a peak flow of 2,800 gpm. The 10-inch pumps convey flow to a new forcemain that was constructed within 34th Avenue. Street improvements were constructed along 34th Avenue, which included a street overlay, new asphalt driveway approaches, approximately 125 feet of new curb, gutter and sidewalk, and stormwater conveyance improvements.