Steel Painters Site Improvements
Client—Steel Painters, Longview, Washington
Steel Painters is an industrial painting company that provides sand blasting and wheel abrading services as well as industrial and high-performance coatings for steel fabricators and manufacturers. Gibbs & Olson provided surveying and design services for site improvements to their existing facilities. The site improvements consisted of new stormwater facilities along with regrading and paving of the site. The 4.38-acre site has two existing buildings that total 25,870 square feet. The site was regraded, and 2.8 acres were paved with new asphalt. A new stormwater collection and conveyance system was constructed which included 12,630 square feet of landscaped area. An Aqua Swirl Hydrodynamic separator was installed for pre-treatment of the stormwater prior to discharging into a retention pond where the runoff is stored until it is completely infiltrated on-site.