Gibbs & Olson employees helped gather over 50 pounds of school supplies

School_Supplies_webGibbs & Olson employees helped gather over 50 pounds of school supplies to help prepare kids for going back to school. Red Canoe Credit Union matches each pound of supplies donated by participating organizations.

Dan Bergman Receives Oregon Professional Land Surveyors License

Dan_BergmanDan Bergman recently received his professional land surveyor’s license from the state of Oregon Board of Examiners for Engineers and Land Surveyors. Dan has 19 years experience and is part of our survey team that provides land surveying and mapping services ranging from legal descriptions to highly sophisticated GPS & RTK surveying.

Kristopher Rogers Joins Gibbs & Olson Team

Kris_Web_2x3Gibbs & Olson has hired Kristopher Rogers as an engineering technician. Rogers graduated from the ITT Technical Institute CAD program and has 15 years of experience with civil and industrial projects. He is also trained as an inspector and will provide construction inspection as needed. He is currently working on road, stormwater, site, water, and wastewater design projects.

Gibbs & Olson Hires Stephen McWilliams

Stephen_McWilliams_fullsizeGibbs & Olson has hired Stephen McWilliams as a project engineer. McWilliams graduated from the University of Portland’s civil engineering program and holds an engineer-in-training certification in Oregon. He is currently working on road, site, sanitary sewer, and water design project elements, as well as the analysis and design of stormwater detention and infiltration systems.

Open House


We’ve Moved!

Today is our first day in our new office. Please update your records.

Stanley Plaza Building

1157 3rd Avenue, Suite 219
Longview, WA 98632



Carol Ruiz Presents at ASCE Pipelines Conference

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Carol Ruiz presented at the ASCE Pipelines Conference along with David Higgins with Shannon & Wilson. The presentation on the Design of Utility Pipelines Through an Active, Urban Landslide includes information about how challenges were addressed during the design and construction of the City of Astoria, 11th Street Combined Sewer Overflow Separation project.

Rich Gushman joins LCC Foundation board

  Rich Gushman, president of Gibbs & Olson, joins LCC Foundation board.

Gibbs & Olson Attends 2013 IACC Conference

Paula Coviello and Vicki Wiggins of Gibbs & Olson attended the Infrastructure Assistance Coordinating Council (IACC) Conference in Wenatchee in October. The IACC is an organization comprised of state and federal agencies, local government associations, and nonprofit technical assistance organizations that provide technical or financial assistance to local jurisdictions.

The conference provides an opportunity to meet funding program staff and explore potential funding strategies for our communities in need. The conference is also a great place to learn about changes in funding programs for the upcoming year. This year’s keynote speaker was Charles Marohn, co-founder and president of Strong Towns. Strong Towns is a non-profit non-partisan organization that helps America’s towns achieve financial strength and resiliency.

Gibbs & Olson – Proud Supporter of the Lower Columbia College STEM Institute

shapeimage_1 (2)Almost everything about our world—all the things we do, touch and know— are in some way tied to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). As civil engineers and land surveyors, STEM is a big piece of our daily work at Gibbs & Olson. We enjoyed participating in the 2013 STEM Institute program hosted by Lower Columbia College. Dan Bergman, our survey crew chief, provided students with a hands-on introduction to Global Positioning System land surveying.


Dan presented the students with both historical and educational information about land surveying and they also had an opportunity to use our field equipment. The students learned how surveying is a critical component of every building and construction project and how surveying contributes to their everyday world. We are a proud supporter of the STEM program and encourage students to consider STEM related careers.